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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rude & Offensive Comment. How Do You React?

I am becoming more and more annoyed with smart-ass internet users who mistakenly think they need to be rude and offensive whenever they comment on an article, blog, blurb, essay, feature, or whatever you may call a piece of written discourse.

Do they think they're clever? They must do because, have you noticed, they DON'T KNOW how to spell, use punctuation or complete a sentence. They use there instead of their. They use your instead of you're. I honestly think they're so uneducated they use the idiomatic sms text to write their poisonous opinions in the hope that people won't guess they never passed Grade 1.

I always want to retaliate, even if the blog isn't mine. Then I think again, shrug my shoulders, and go find another more erudite site where the internet users are more polite, helpful, caring and genuine.

Roll on the day when we can send some electric shock back along the ether and blow-up their keyboards so that we don't have to read their puerile commentary.

Feel free to offload your own pet peeves. Maybe you can add to mine ...